Hensel Phelps Receives Five DBIA Awards

Tuesday April 16, 2013
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Hensel Phelps received five 2012 DBIA awards at the National Conference. Hensel Phelps has won a total of 27 DBIA awards since the inception of this competition! The following projects were honored at the National Conference in New Orleans.

John W. Finn Hall, Coronado, CA – National Design-Build Award – Commercial

Alaska Airlines LAX Terminal 6 Renovation, Los Angeles, CA – Design-Build Honor Award – Rehabilitation / Renovation / Restoration

UCI Medical Center Clinical Laboratory, Irvine, CA – Design-Build Honor Award – Healthcare Facilities

Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center Emergency Room Expansion, Chula Vista, CA – Design-Build Merit Award – Rehabilitation / Renovation / Restoration

Military Department (MILDEP) Investigative Agencies Headquarters, Quantico MCB, VA – Design-Build Merit Award – Civic