HENSEL PHELPS Awarded 2013 DBIA National Design-Build Award for Cheyenne, Wyoming Project

Thursday August 1, 2013
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The HENSEL PHELPS C-5 – 159th Readiness Center project receivies the 2013 Civic Buildings, National Design-Build Award from the Design Build Institute of America.

The team of Hensel Phelps and Fentress Architects delivered the first design-build project for the Wyoming Military Department. This fast-track design-build project includes a 25,000-square-foot Readiness Center and a 10,000-square-foot heated equipment and vehicle storage building. The facility provides administrative, flight simulation, training, assembly space, physical fitness, weapons storage and vehicle maintenance for the Wyoming Army
National Guard C-5/159 Aviation Regiment. The project includes 65,403 square feet of parking, anti-terrorism measures and utility services.

For further information on this project and the award, click this link.