SFO Unveils Hensel Phelps Terminal 3, Boarding Area E Design-Build Renovation

Saturday January 25, 2014
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SFO unveiled the newly renovated Boarding Area E in Terminal 3, a stylish and sophisticated state-of-the-art facility that will offer 10 gates for United Airlines. The Design-Build team of Hensel Phelps, Gensler and the KPA Group created an innovative design for Boarding Area E that offers several unique features that set it apart from other airports around the country.

The $138 million renovation of Boarding Area E is part of a capital program to renovate SFO’s Terminal 3 East (T3E), which includes the 68,800-square foot Boarding Area E and the 150,000-square foot eastern concourse connecting to Boarding Area F.

For the SFO press release, click here