Hensel Phelps Wins Design-Build National Award of Excellence in Healthcare

Wednesday October 8, 2014
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Hensel Phelps proudly acknowledges the California Health Care Facility in Stockton, California as a National Award of Excellence Winner in the healthcare category from the Design-Build Institute of America. This award was presented to the Granite Hensel Phelps JV and Clark McCarthy a Joint Venture for the work completed by all four firms on the overall facility program. The highly successful program was the first design-build project for the owner, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The winners were announced at the 2014 Design-Build Conference & Expo in Dallas, Texas on October 7, 2014.

The more than 1 Million SF facility provides critical healthcare services for inmates and was completed in two contracts. Hensel Phelps, in a joint-venture with Granite Construction Co., built the Site and Unsecured Facilities Package One contract which included a central plant, material service center with a one of a kind ‘just in time’ facility material distribution system, lethal electrified fence and other support services. Package One was completed in July 2013 and HOK was the Architect of Record.

For more information, click here.