Maricopa County Intake / Transfer & Release Facility

About the Project

The project includes the new construction of a single building to house a 512-bed, 72-hour Inmate, Transfer, and Release Facility (ITR), along with a 1,280-bed medium-security Detention Facility.  The ITR component is estimated to be approximately 189,000 gross SF and includes four courtrooms, judges’ chambers, administrative and staff support areas, and processing and release functions, along with jail and law enforcement spaces.  The detention component is estimated to be approximately 260,000 gross SF and includes administration and support services, educational programming, healthcare and kitchen facilities.

Quick Facts

  • Location Phoenix, AZ
  • Client Maricopa County
  • Industry Government + Justice
  • Line of Business Construction
  • Completion Date October 2019
  • Duration 28 months
  • Contract Value $ 148,000,000
  • Square Footage 485,000 SF

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