Caltech Resnick Sustainability Center

About the Project

The four-story Caltech Resnick Sustainability Center (RSC) serves as the hub for energy and sustainability research on campus, as well as the home of state-of-the-art undergraduate teaching laboratories. In addition, the RSC amplifies and expands the work of the Resnick Sustainability Institute (RSI) established at Caltech over a decade ago with a contribution from the Resnicks and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.


The Caltech RSC consists of four stories (one story below and three above-ground) and serves as the hub for energy and sustainability research, state-of-the-art undergraduate teaching laboratories and lecture and interactive learning spaces. Facilities at the RSC include an ecology and biosphere engineering facility, a solar science and catalysis center, a remote sensing center, a translational science facility for pilot testing and a high-performance computing center and a water and environment lab.


Key features include:

– A ground floor is integrated into the landscape and provides a variety of open spaces for students, including North to south breezeway access with optimizing daylighting

– A south-facing patio deck on the second floor for a small gathering and conducting solar science experiments

– Labs on the 2nd and 3rd floor that overlook the Beckman lawn and the San Gabriel Mountains in the North

– A welcoming landscaped courtyard from San Pasqual into the southern entryway to the new Resnick building

Quick Facts

  • Location Pasadena, California
  • Client California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
  • Architect Cannon Design
  • Industry Science + Technology
  • Line of Business Construction
  • Delivery Method Design-Build
  • Completion Date July 2024
  • Duration 44 Months
  • Contract Value $ 124,000,000
  • Sustainability LEED Platinum
  • Square Footage 80,000

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