SEA Baggage Optimization Phase 2

About the Project

In collaboration with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Port of Seattle is optimizing the outbound baggage handling system at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). The new system will replace the aging conveyor system to increase reliability, flexibility and efficiency for airlines, passengers and the TSA. The ultimate goal is to allow travelers to drop off their bags at any location in the ticketing level to reach any gate in the airport while saving energy, time and ensuring it reaches the proper aircraft. The project is being executed in three distinct phases, replacing six individual baggage screening systems with one centralized system for a more efficient system at SEA.


Under the Phase 2 contract, Hensel Phelps will replace conveyor systems and expand the centralized baggage screening area under the airport’s Central Terminal. Additionally, the team will construct the final baggage sortation matrix, relocate concessions storage and maintenance shops, increase screening capacity with Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) machines, expand the Checked Baggage Resolution Area (CBRA) and expand the South Satellite baggage handling system.


As part of the early existing conditions investigation, Hensel Phelps’ Realty Capture Team conducted 5,200 high-definition laser scans of the entire project boundary which extends under five locations—Concourses A, B, C, and D plus the South Satellite. Hensel Phelps’ Virtual Design and Construction Team incorporated the captured point cloud data into the building information model (BIM), thus supporting a coordinated and accurate installation.


A collaborative approach with the Port of Seattle, the TSA, project stakeholders and trade partners including Jervis B. Webb Company, VECA Electric and Shinn Mechanical is critical to the success executing the heavily phased project without impact to ongoing airport operations.


For additional project information, please visit the Port of Seattle Project page.

Quick Facts

  • Location SeaTac, WA
  • Client Port of Seattle
  • Industry Aviation
  • Line of Business Construction
  • Completion Date August 2024
  • Duration 50 Months
  • Contract Value $ 293,000,000
  • Square Footage 392,225 SF
  • Other Features Jervis B. Webb Company

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