University of Arizona Environment and Natural Resources Phase II (ENRII)

About this Project

The Environment and Natural Resources Phase II (ENR II) Building is part of the University of Arizona’s long-term effort to promote interdisciplinary research that focuses upon earth science and environmental programs. A key aspect of the ENR II facilities is to create an atmosphere of scientific collaboration and interdisciplinary research.

Units to be located in this facility are the Institute for the Study of Planet Earth (ISPE), Geography and Regional Development (GRD), the School of Natural Resources, the Department of Atmospheric Sciences/Institute for Atmospheric Physics (ATMO), and the Office of Arid Lands Studies (OALS). The building is programmed at 190,000 GSF (approximately 90,000 NSF). The major functional areas include office space, research laboratory space (no wet labs), teaching classrooms, 600-seat lecture hall, and common program support space and post-tension concrete floors.

Quick Facts

  • Location Tucson, AZ
  • Client University of Arizona
  • Industry Education
  • Line of Business Construction
  • Completion Date June 2015
  • Duration 24 months
  • Contract Value $ 49,200,000
  • Sustainability Platinum
  • Square Footage 190,000 SF

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